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Refund Policy

Return Policy

While most items can be returned for a refund or replacement within a 10-day return window, return policies may be different across product categories. Please check the Returns Policies for details on the returns policies of specific product categories.

Refund Policy

While most items can be returned and for a refund or replacement within a 10-days return window, return policies may be different across product categories. Please check the Returns Policies for details on the returns policies of specific product categories and if customer ask for refund within reuturn window the amount will be transfer to customer’s account within 7 working days and the product will be pickup from customer’s place and after that refund initiate for customer.

Shipping And Delivery Timings

Free Shipping on All Orders ! and delivery time with New Delhi, India is within 24 hours, and out of New Delhi, like another states 48 hours, and our delivery partner is “Vamaship & Shipway” and we tried to full fillment our customer need on time at any cost.

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